People have asked me to post pictures of my paint job as I work on it, which is taking longer than I had anticipated, so theoretically, there will be pictures of it soon. In the meantime, here is a sample of the grey Thompson Camel tartan I am plaiding the car with, as well as a photo of what the car originally looked like.
I'm running into some difficulty with painter's tape, and hoping you, dear reader, can offer sage advice. It takes a lot of tape to get the lines in the right place bef
ore adding each color. Now that I have painted the second color (white on top of black, with the car's original grey showing through for the larger grey squares), and removed the tape, I'm realizing that the painter's tape is pulling up the first level of enamel, exposing the original car grey underneath. I'm going to need many more lines of tape before every color is finished--can anyone advise me how to use painter's tape on top of a layer of enamel without ruining the color painted underneath the tape? Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated.
